Monday, May 22, 2006

Savannah the Soccer Star

Savannah LOVES soccer!!! The pic on the left is her making a goal. The pic on the right is her doing the kickoff. She made all four of her teams goals this day. They don't really keep track during the Spring season. It's a non-competitive learning environment. Savannah doesn't care though. She keeps track in her head. At this game in particular she was doing VERY well. I happened to overhear a mom from the other team talking to someone who had obviously just gotten to the game saying, "Watch that girl. She is awesome!" (referring to Savannah who was going by). The next game she played on May 16, she learned what it was like to play against herself. There was a girl on the other team that was just as good as her in footwork and aim, but a little faster. Savannah realized this and told me after the game that I needed to time her in her running so she could get faster! :)

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